Importance of EXERCISES for your health

Exercise is physical activity that is performed to improve or maintain physical fitness, overall health, or well-being. Exercise has a profound impact on the body’s metabolism, leading to a series of metabolic changes that occur during and after physical activity. The metabolic changes brought about by exercise contribute to improved fitness, increased endurance, weight management, and various health benefits. The specific metabolic responses can vary depending on the type, duration, and intensity of exercise, as well as individual factors such as age, fitness level, and genetic predisposition.

When a person do exercise, his body requires more energy in the form of calories to fuel physical activity. As someone exercise, his muscles contract and demand more energy, increasing their basal metabolic rate and overall calorie expenditure. During exercise, muscles use glucose (sugar) as a primary energy source. This helps lower blood glucose levels, making it an important benefit for individuals with diabetes or insulin resistance. Muscles store glucose in the form of glycogen. During exercise, glycogen is broken down into glucose to provide a readily available source of energy for the working muscles. As exercise intensity increases, the body starts to rely more on fat stores for energy. This is particularly true during lower-intensity, longer-duration activities like jogging or brisk walking. Exercise can stimulate the synthesis of new proteins in muscle tissues. This is particularly important in strength training, where muscle fibers adapt and grow stronger in response to resistance. These factors lead to a healthy weight loss and muscular body.

To meet the increased demand for oxygen, heart rate and respiration rate rise. This elevated oxygen consumption helps deliver more oxygen to the muscles and organs, enhancing aerobic metabolism. After exercise, body continues to consume extra oxygen, leading to increased energy expenditure for a period even after the person finished working out. This is commonly referred to as the “afterburn” effect, where metabolism remains elevated to restore normal metabolic processes and remove waste products generated during exercise.

Exercise triggers the release of various hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, which help mobilize energy reserves. It also stimulates the release of endorphins, which can improve mood. Regular exercise enhances the body’s sensitivity to insulin, which can help manage blood sugar levels more effectively. In addition to that Exercise can lead to structural and functional changes in the cardiovascular system, such as improved heart health, blood vessel flexibility, and blood pressure regulation.

Physical activity generates heat. To prevent overheating, the body sweats to cool down. This process expends energy and helps regulate body temperature.

There are several forms of exercises.

  • Aerobic exercise: Activities that increase heart rate and breathing, such as running, cycling, swimming, and dancing.
  • Strength training: Exercises that target muscle groups to increase strength, like weightlifting and bodyweight exercises.
  • Flexibility exercises: Stretching and mobility exercises to improve range of motion.
  • Balance and stability exercises: Activities like yoga and tai chi that enhance balance and coordination

Physical fitness including strength, flexibility, endurance, cardiovascular health and weight management and mental health including reduction the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress, boosting mood and feelings of well-being are some benefits of exercises. Apart from that disease prevention, Muscle and Bone Health, Improved Sleep, Cognitive Benefits and Flexibility and Balance are some other key factors which motivate the individuals for exercising. Studies have shown that people who engage in regular physical activity tend to live longer and have a higher quality of life as they age.

To meet the minimum guidelines for physical activity, many health organizations recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise per week. But the recommended duration of exercise per day can vary depending on factors such as individual fitness goals, fitness level, and the type of exercise being performed. In addition to aerobic exercise, it’s also recommended to incorporate muscle-strengthening activities involving major muscle groups on two or more days per week. If someone has specific fitness goals like weight loss, building muscle, or improving athletic performance, he may need to adjust the duration and intensity of his exercise accordingly.



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